Event Details

Set the Scene with Green campaign was initiated by FFO Support Program in month of August to celebrate 71st Independence Day of Pakistan with aim to make the country green and clean. FFOSP Head Office team along with field team planted trees at different locations of district Sheikupura. In this campaign community members and street children participated in vast number. Fourteen August Day of Independence was celebrated at FFOSP head office Sheikupura, event was chaired by small Street Children as Chief Guests of the event. Chairman and Board of Director along with friends of FFOSP has also participated. The national flag hoisting ceremony was led by small children in presence on FFOSP chairman and Chief Executive Officer. It was moment of excitement for the children to hoist the National Flag and sing national anthem with the guest that they learnt before the ceremony with full fervor and enthusiasm. Children planted trees with Chief Executive Officer Mr. Muhammad Irfan Khokhar and Mr. Muhammad Murtaza CEO Rural Community Development Program, it was pledged by the CEO FFOSP that these children are our responsibility and FFOPS will do its best to help these children and provide them basic facilities. FFOSP team sung national songs with streets children and field team members participated in speech and Mili Nahgma competition. At the end of ceremony Small Chief Guests cut the cake with Chairman and CEO FFOSP and prizes were distributed among street children and field staff on best performance. On behalf of FFOSP Team we really admire the positive attitude and generous response of children whom presence spread colors in the ceremony. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="5" gal_title="Independence Day"]