Products we Offer

FFOSP offers a variety of customized and innovative loan products which have been specifically tailored in accordance with the evolving needs of its clients. Lending processes and procedures are likewise customized, barring unnecessary business process and non-discriminatory credit assessment systems, while ensuring fast, easy and affordable access to finance. A client retention rate of more than 60% are outcomes of successful product design and an embedded customer centric approach of FFOSP.

School Sahara Loan

The rationale behind the launch of this product was to promote education at low cost in the targeted community with minimum available resources. School Sahara Loan (SSL) is available to potential men and women in individual capacity associated with the profession of Low Cost Private School (LCPS). The product ranges from PKR 50,000 to PKR 200,000 with repayment schedule of 12 to 18 Months.

Mal Mawaishi Loan (MML)

The product is especially designed to provide livestock loan facility to meet the growing financial requirements of livestock sector. The loan may be utilized for livestock breeding, trading and purchasing of animals, specially milking animals like cow, buffalo, goat and sheep etc. and for the purchase of any livestock related tools and equipment. MML ranges from PKR 50,000 to 200,000 with repayment period of 3 to 6 months.

Roshan Pakistan Loan (RPL)

The product is available for the promotion of renewable energy resources so that we may contribute to lower down the burden of National grid. A variety of IFC certified quality products are available for FFOSP’s targeted community. RPL ranges from PKR 5,000 to 40, 000 with repayment period of 3-12 months.

Home Loan

FFOSP Home Loan is a product for individuals looking to improve their living conditions. Under the product aspirant can finance home improvements; e.g. reinforcement of house structure, construction of a room, getting a paint job, plumbing and sanitation improvement, electrical system or appliances installation etc. The product ranges from PKR 50,000 to PKR 500,000 with repayment schedule of 12 to 24 Months.

Prime Minister’s Interest Free Loan (PMIFL)

PMIFL is available to poor, vulnerable and marginalized households, not yet tapped by the microfinance sector. The Scheme aims to provide access to interest free loans to those on a score of 0-40 on the Poverty Score Card (PSC). Its disbursement range is from PKR 10,000 to PKR 75,000 with repayment schedule of 12 Months.