Strong women makes strong communities. FFOSP believes in creating an enabling environment for women micro-entrepreneurs and is committed to creating products and services driven by client needs and demands which leverage on lessons from successful models from across the world. Almost 50 percent Pakistan’s population consists of women. However, most women have no formal skills, making this segment of the society vulnerable to injustice and discrimination. Providing women with skills and employment opportunities will help establish prosperity and economic growth.
Violence against women and girls is one of the most widespread, persistent and devastating human rights violations in the world today and remains largely unreported due to the impunity, silence, stigma and shame surrounding it. Pakistan has been ranked as the third most dangerous place in the world for women. Gender Based Violence (GBV) in Pakistan has its roots in a patriarchal social structure under which women are considered inferior to men and are often viewed as property. To raise voice against this violence, FFOSP has implemented a project with USAID for facilitation and economic rehabilitation of Gender Base violence Survivors. After seeking the required trainings, the GBV survivors were facilitated to be self-employed or be placed in formal or informal sector. This important activity was accomplished through facilitating GBV survivors while providing necessary entrepreneurial skills and creating linkages with relevant authorities.